They always eat me inside..
They always infiltrate my mind...
Stripped bare of all my happiness...
Stripped bare of all confidence...
When i needed you most, you left me ...
Decaying away of all the beauty filled in this heart...
Stories and lies...
Betrayal and punishment..
Life and death..
These sins have no purity...
Locked in my cage of iron bars..
Robbed of all light, robbed of trust, of a life.
Realizations has always come pouring, had only i understood the instinct long before.
I need no more.
I want no more.
I wont settle for ANY more.
This heart has settled in its grave. I will always be affected, Reminded, confronted by this, by you. But i have learned to chose a different path.
These memories.
...Bury Me ALIVE....
really nice awsome n great one. thnx for sharing
thank you!
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